Delete Is Final

A Short Film

After the tragic death of her son Paul, overworked Julie is approached by Karen, a worried friend. Julie confesses her pain and inability to move on. She learns that gossip about Paul is swirling online in social media.

Through Paul’s computer, Julie reconciles the son she knew and loved with the college-aged mischief maker who made a terrible mistake.

The film is done!

Watch the Trailer!

We’re Going To Festivals!

Last fall, we were selected in the Venice Shorts Film Festival and this spring we were selected in the Colorado Short Circuit Film Festival and the Front Range International Film Festival.

Colorado Short Cirucit Film Festival Official Selection
Front Range International Film Festival Official Selection
Venice Shorts Official Selection

Behind the Scenes Photos

Mother and Son

Pre-production photo of Julie and Paul

Creating the Kitchen Mess

Creating the Kitchen Mess

Nick and Mike Review the Kitchen Scene

Nick and Mike Review the Kitchen Scene

Setting Up Lighting for the Kitchen Scene

Setting Up Lighting for the Kitchen Scene

Monitor Displays Camera Shots

External Monitor Displays Camera Shots

Family Photos

Family Photos on the Wall

Paul’s Bulletin Board

Paul’s Bulletin Board

Capturing Screens That Display on Paul’s Computer

Capturing Screens That Display on Paul’s Computer

Frat Party

Pre-production photo of a Frat Party

Julie and Mike Review the Script

Sandra and Mike Review the Script

Shooting the Kitchen Scenes

Shooting the Kitchen Scenes

Karen Gives Julie the Backpack

Dawn Gives Sandra Paul’s Backpack With his Computer

Bedroom Setup

Bedroom Setup

Julie in the Bedroom

Sandra is in Paul's Bedroom Looking at his Computer

Creating the Music Score

Creating the Music Score


We did it with your help!

Thank You Contributors

You made this film possible! The following are our Contributors.

Thank You Talent

Our actresses and actors brought our story to life!


A Troubled Julie

Sandra Murphy is Julie

Karen giving Julie Paul's backpack

Dawn Bower is Karen


Forrest Lee

Forrest Lee is Paul, Julie's son

Jordan Wilborne is a Frat brother

Jordan Wilborne is a Frat brother

Ryan Sturt is a Frat brother

Ryan Sturt is a Frat brother

Elton Tanega is a Frat brother

Elton Tanega is a Frat brother

Thank You Technical Crew

Our videographer & film editor, sound technician, and music and mixing experts created a short film we are proud of!

Nick Becker

Nick Becker was the videographer and film editor.

Trevor Milton

Trevor Milton was the sound technician.

Mark and Carmen Menza

Mark and Carmen Menza created the original musical score and mixed the sound track.

Who, What, and Why

Three scriptwriters collaborated to create this story. Learn more about who they are and why they wrote it:


To learn more about the process, use this link:

The Process

We’re Going To Festivals!

Follow us. For more information, select the Front Range International Film Festival.

Front Range International Film Festival Official Selection
Venice Shorts Official Selection

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