The Scriptwriters

Read about each scriptwriter below.

Mike Green

Mike Green Scriptwriter

Mike started making short films when his wife’s English class required one. At that point, he became enamored with the process. While making short films, he realized that having a script was paramount to the process. So he started writing scripts.

Mike made a documentary about Jack Wilhite, a retired military pilot flying a Chinese MIG-17 to raise money for charity. To view, select The Red Jet Guy.

Next Mike wrote and filmed a documentary about Rooney Ranch, located on the outskirts of Denver. The family ranched for 150 years. To view, select Rooney Ranch — the Stories and the Legacies.

Joel Byerly

Joel Byerly Scriptwriter

When it seems like the world is growing more digitized, Joel enjoys the quiet solitude of the mountains. Apart from writing, he is an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast, and along with his wife, they are always looking for new adventures to start.

In this short film, Joel enjoyed exploring the dynamics of online and offline social networks. He found particular interest in comparing the ways people present themselves against the real person.

Leah Naess

Leah Naess Scriptwriter

Leah shares her experience with death in this short film. As you see a mother’s journey through the grieving process, you feel her need to reconcile the son she raised with the person he became. A born storyteller, Leah applies over 30 years of writing experience with a focus on scriptwriting during the last seven years.

Leah has written two novels and a feature length film with the working title Boundless. Leah also wrote instructional video scripts for the International Training Company and computer-based training scripts for United Airlines and WestNet Learning.

The Pitch

The three scriptwriters collaborated on this story and describe it in the following two-minute video pitch:

Delete Is Final Pitch

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